Discover Oslo's Startup and Tech Ecosystem
Ecosystem supporters
Come experience how Norwegian companies compete through collaboration. Startup founders have access to innovation hubs across sectors, such as renewable energy, oceantech, edtech, and health tech.
AcceleratorAn accelerator is a business program that supports early-stage, growth-driven companies through education, mentorship and financing. Startups typically enter accelerators for a fixed period of time and as part of a cohort of companies.
IncubatorA startup incubator is a collaborative program designed to help new startups succeed. Incubators help entrepreneurs solve some of the problems commonly associated with running a startup by providing workspace, seed funding, mentoring, and training.
Coworking communitiesA coworking space is an environment that’s designed to accommodate people from different companies who come to do work. They are collaboration hubs and social spaces where workers from different backgrounds can come together to share expertise and explore new ideas.
ClustersIndustry clusters are regional concentrations of related industries. Clusters consist of companies, suppliers and service providers, as well as government agencies and other institutions that provide education, information, research and technical support to a regional economy.
Maker spacesA maker space is a type of open workshop - where people can gather to explore, design and learn together. It is often run by a community, where one can create or repair things with the help of digital and analog machines and hand tools.
Funding/investorsSecuring funding and matching with the right investors is crucial for a startups success. We have gathered some of the funding opportunities you can find in the Oslo Ecosystem.
Support organisationsCorporates and public sector institutions who work with startups through collaborations with hubs and/or directly with companies.
Research & DevelopmentResearch and development (R&D) include activities that companies undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services.
Higher EducationUniversities and educational institutions are an important part of the startup ecosystem. They not only harness a huge amount of talent, but also offers R&D opportunities, as well as in house maker spaces and incubators/accelerators.
Research and Testing FacilitiesAn overview of key Research and Testing Facilities located in Oslo, These facilities are operated by various institutions.
Partner up with us
We collaborate with all the startup, investor and innovation hubs in Oslo to accelerate growth and successful startups. Together we organise events and meeting places, deliver reports on international markets and business opportunities, offer access to networks and connect actors in the region and internationally.
Are you a hub, an incubator, accelerator, co-working space or professional network or event? Are you new to the city or have a project you would like to collaborate on? Get in touch with us. You'll find contact info to all our team members on our About Us site.