Meet The Community

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In the past few years, the startup community in Oslo has skyrocketed. A wave of Oslo-born companies have entered local and international markets much thanks to the ecosystem surrounding them. There are more than 50 innovation spaces in Oslo, and you might be wondering which one is the right fit for you. We have asked the hubs, incubators, accelerators and coworking-spaces to introduce themselves and tell you what they have to offer and why they are the place for you to develop and grow your company.

Click on the names for more information and to see a personal message from each hub:

Want more information about the Oslo ecosystem?

We collaborate with all the startup, investor and innovation hubs in Oslo to accelerate growth and successful startups. Together we organise events and meeting places, deliver reports on international markets and business opportunities, offer access to networks and connect actors in the region and internationally.

Are you a hub, an incubator, accelerator, co-working space or professional network or event? Are you new to the city or have a project you would like to collaborate on? Get in touch with us. You'll find contact info to all our team members on our About Us site.

Are you a hub, an incubator, accelerator, or co-working space that would like to be featured on this page? No problem - we want to showcase the entire community and resources available to people wishing to start or develop their company.

Get in touch with Martine Mæland below and she will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact us: