New feature! The Oslo Startup Calendar

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Published by Oslo Business Region, 07 March 2022

The Oslo startup community is buzzing with events and happenings in 2022.

Starting this month, we at Oslo Business Region will gather events by the Oslo startup community on one exclusive platform to make it easier for you to navigate the startup ecosystem. 🗓 Check out the calendar here!

Are you hosting an event?

In order for your event to be featured in the calendar send an email to marked Oslo Startup Calendar with the following information:

Event title:
Date/ time:
Event format (physical, hybrid or digital?):
Address (if physical):
Who are the organizers?:
Key words (Describe the event in 2-4 words. What is the theme, who is it for etc.):
Registration link/ Landing page:

All events featured in the calendar must be in English, for startups, connected to one of the 17 SDGs and with open registration.