STRING - creating a competitive mega region from Oslo to Hamburg

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Published by Oslo Business Region, 30 August 2020

STRING is a geographical area and a political member organisation, tying together cities and regions between Oslo and Hamburg. STRING’s vision is to create a competitive mega region to combat climate change while improving the lives of the citizens.

Representing some of the world’s most innovative cities and regions, STRING has a unique opportunity to lead the way towards a sustainable future. As individuals, the member cities and regions are small on a global scale. However, combined and connected to each other through the STRING region, they reach a geographical area that counts for approximately 12.8 million people, and can benefit from an incredible network and social capital as a mega region in a global setting.

As a region that is continuously growing in terms of populations and employment, the STRING region has a strong potential to develop into a mega region. With an emphasis on innovative cross-border working combined with pioneering green technological solutions, the aim is to brand this mega region as a “Green Hub”.

By building intentionally, and with sustainable infrastructure, connectivity and green industries at the core, in fact using them as the very driving mechanisms of the economic unit, STRING is en route to become the first global mega region to achieve competitive, green economic strength.

This type of partnership is of great importance for the Oslo Business community as businesses and organisations can benefit of the close and open relations and infrastructure that is being built.

Project partners:
City of Oslo, Viken County, City of Gothenburg, Västra Götalandsregionen, Region Halland, Region Skåne, City of Malmö, City of Copenhagen, Region Zealand, The Capital Region of Denmark, Land Schleswig-Holstein, The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
