How to start funding your research

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Published by Oslo Business Region, 30 November 2020

Do you have an idea for a company or a product that requires research before getting started? Then you might be eligible for Regional research funds to finance your research project.

Research is often a crucial part of building an innovative company and it can be important to start thinking early about how to fund research relevant for your company.

Regional research funds are a great way to start your research journey both in the starting phase and for later research projects. There are 11 regional research funds for different parts of Norway. The purpose of Regional Research Fund Oslo is to strengthen the research capacity in the region through funding research and development (R&D) and mobilising industry and the public sector to increase investment in R&D.

The City of Oslo aims to be the first emission free large city by 2030. The political agenda has a strong focus on sustainable solutions that will help make Oslo a greener, more inclusive city. Innovation and technology are important drivers for this green transformation. Funding research for ideas that help solve these issues will strengthen Oslo's ability to meet long-term challenges.

What type of research does Regional research fund support?

Research is creative and systematic work to increase knowledge. There are three types of research that Regional research fund supports:

  • Feasibility studies: Evaluation and analysis of the potential of a project supporting the process of decision making and identifying required resources for success.
  • Industrial research: Planned research or critical investigation to acquire new knowledge and skills for developing new or improved products, processes or services.
  • Experimental development: Acquiring combining, shaping and using existing scientific, technological business and other relevant knowledge and skills with aim to develop new or improved products services or services.

When applying for Regional Research funds, our best tip is to carefully read the proposal and be aware of following criteria:

  • Research and development:

- What is innovative about your idea?

- Which gaps in the market does your idea seek to fill?

- What knowledge is crucial for your company to acquire in order to succeed in implementing your idea?

  • Impact:

- What is the potential of your idea?

- What are the societal advantages of your idea?

  • Implementation:

- What are the goals for the project you are applying for? Describe the different milestones you aim to reach through the research project.

  • Relevance of funds:

- How will Regional research funds be essential to make the project happen?

- Will your project help the City of Oslo's purpose with these funds? The City's main focus areas are stated in their plan for city development. It would be an advantage if your idea seeks to fulfil one/many of their goals.

Regional research fund Oslo are announcing their call for funds here.

It's advisable to start funding your research with a qualification project. If this project uncovers the need for further research, you could be eligible for funds to execute an innovation project. Read more about Regional research funds here.

Looking for more ways to fund your startup? We have gathered some resources for you here.