Scaleup talent tips: How to get the most out of digital recruitment platforms?

Thomas Sveum
Photo: Thomas Sveum

Published by Oslo Business Region, 13 September 2023

When hiring your next employee from abroad, how can your company get the edge on the global competition? Thomas Sveum, CEO of the digital recruitment platform, The Hub, shares his top 3 tips for Norwegian scaleups and recruitment professionals.

Make an effort to sell your company culture in your job descriptions

Most companies don't, so capturing your company culture successfully can easily give you a competitive edge in the competition for talents' attention. How are colleague relationships, what social events do you host, what quirky company traditions do you have?

Show salary (a range is ok)

Salary transparency is bound by law in an increasing number of countries. Jobs with salary displayed generate 38% more applications on average on The Hub. Salary transparency is especially important to passive candidates - talent that are sought after and happily employed, but could consider a switch for the right compensation.

Use your hiring process as a selling point

Sticking to the topic of attracting passive talent, you'll have a way better chance at attracting them if you have a simple hiring process. Talent assumes that applying for a job is a tedious process with several interviews, tests and take-home assignments. In reality, that's not always the case. If your process is simple, highlight it!

Thank you, Thomas, for sharing!
