Career mentorship program opens doors for international spouses

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Published by Oslo Business Region, 18 June 2024

Oslo newcomers attend career workshops and get personalized guidance from their mentors.

There is no better way for newcomers to land good career opportunities than through professional and social networks -- especially in a compact capital like Oslo, where just about everyone knows everyone or at least a close contact. Job-seekers and employers usually are at arm’s length from each other and simply need the right introduction at the right time.

Oslo Business Region’s career mentorship program connects new arrivals with on-the-ground professionals who can offer guidance and open doors to networks and opportunities. The program is currently offered to international spouses/partners of startup employees as part of a talent retention initiative.

In addition to 1:1 mentorship, the 3-month program includes five workshop sessions, facilitated by Lisbeth Storli at Contento. The sessions help participants take a fresh look at their transferable skills, polish their LinkedIn profiles, get involved in networks, and practice interview skills in the Norwegian context.

So far, about a quarter of the participants in the first two programs have launched their careers in Oslo. Their backgrounds vary from data analysts and software engineers to creatives and HR professionals.

The next program will start in September; the location and dates will be announced in August. Qualified applicants (international partners/spouses of startup employees) can sign up here.

Sign up to be a mentor!

Would you like to help international professionals get on a rewarding career path in Oslo? Want to get to know other mentors across a variety of fields? Submit your information to join our Mentor Pool, and we will contact you when there's a match. Mentors attend a digital mentor orientation, two group workshops and approx three 1:1 meetings with the assigned mentee.